






利记sbo will comply with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 由退伍军人就业及训练署(VETS)管理.


USERRA适用于履行职责的人员, 自愿或非自愿, 在“军中服务”,,其中包括军队, 海军, 海军陆战队, 空军, 海岸警卫队, 和公共卫生服务团, 以及这些服务的备用组件. Federal training or service in the Army National Guard and Air National Guard also gives rise to rights under USERRA. 除了, 根据2002年《公共卫生安全和生物恐怖主义应对法案, certain disaster response work (and authorized training for such work) is considered “service in the uniformed services.”


The purpose of this policy is to affirm the University’s commitment to supporting our nation’s service members through the proper administration of USERRA, to outline 利记sbo-specific employment and benefit procedures affecting USERRA covered service members, 并确保遵守联邦法律.


受影响的员工将继续累积服务信用和, 当然也有例外, have guaranteed reinstatement to work in jobs at the same level of pay and benefits as the positions they left provided their “uniformed services leave” does not, 在大多数情况下, 累计超过五年.

五年的限制也有重要的例外, 包括最初服役超过五年的人, 国民警卫队和预备役的定期训练任务, 非自愿延长和召回现役, 尤其是在国家紧急时期.

根据USERRA和美国残疾人法案, 学校将尽合理努力照顾残疾退伍军人. Service members convalescing from injuries received during service or training may have up to two years from the date of completion of service to return to their jobs or apply for reemployment. Please contact the 人力资源厅 for more information about 利记sbo’s Reasonable Accommodation procedure.


被召唤的个人, 或者谁自愿, active duty will be entitled to be paid the difference between their University pay and their uniformed services pay for up to 10 days, provided they have not already used their 10-day allotment for camp or weekend training in the same fiscal year (official documentation is required). Employees must be reinstated at the level of pay and benefits they would have received if they had never left.

就业机会, 包括研究生助学金, will not be rescinded but may be deferred because of uniformed services obligation if the appointment has already been offered and accepted.


军警假期 Personnel are entitled to a leave of absence for up to five cumulative years of active duty including reasonable travel time. 军警假期 Personnel are guaranteed reinstatement to their former or comparable position providing they return within the timeframe stated below:
  • Service of one to 30 days: must personally report to duty on the first full business day after the completion of service.
  • Service of 31 to 180 days: must personally report to duty within 14 days of completion of service.
  • Service of more than 180 days: must personally report within 90 days of completion of service.

在服役期间离开, 员工有权使用任何假期, 浮动假期, 或在上述假期开始前累积的事假.

  • 休军警服务假的雇员将继续累积服务学分(i.e.,资历).
  • Group medical insurance coverage may be continued by employees arranging to pay their employee share of the premiums for up to one year. 服役一年后离职, employees and their eligible dependents may elect to participate in COBRA coverage (for 18 months) but will be required to pay up to 102 percent of the full premium. 更多信息请联系人力资源办公室. If an employee chooses not to return to work at 利记sbo following the approved leave, 雇主支付的医疗费用必须偿还给大学.
  • 利记sbo will also continue tuition benefits for dependents of employees on a uniformed services leave as though they were employed.
  • 牙科保险,附加人寿和意外保险,以及WISE(家庭,汽车和雨伞)保险. 将保持覆盖范围, provided the employee continues to make premium payments in the same manner as if they were actively employed by the University. 更多信息请联系人力资源办公室.
  • 定期人寿保险. Coverage remains in effect up to 12 weeks after the commencement of covered military duties. 在这段时间之后,可以使用转换选项. 计划文档管理这个利益.
  • 美国教师退休基金会退休. 雇员再就业时, the University will make up any missed contributions to the plan that would have been made had the employee not been on uniformed services leave. Such make-up contributions will be made in the same manner and to the same extent that allocation occurs for other employees during the period of service. 进一步, 在再就业, an employee will be provided an opportunity to make up any elected deferrals missed as a result of 军警假期. 任何雇员必须作出补供, 自再就业之日起计算, 在服兵役假期三倍的期间内, 不超过五年.
  • 续薪(伤残津贴). Coverage for illness or injuries remains in effect in the same manner as for an employee who is provided a non-uniformed services paid leave of absence under the plan except there is no coverage for disabilities resulting from an “act of war.”
  • 意外死亡和肢解. Coverage remains in effect up to 12 weeks after the commencement of covered military duties. 没有可用的转换选项. 计划文档管理这个利益.

Uniformed Services Personnel called to duty should notify their supervisors and the 人力资源厅 as soon as possible and present a copy of their orders as they are received. The supervisor should attach a copy of the orders to the completed Personnel Action Form and submit these to the 人力资源厅 as soon as possible.


Enforcement of 利记sbo policies is the responsibility of the office or offices listed in the “Resources/Questions” section of each policy. The responsible office will contact the appropriate authority regarding faculty or staff members, 学生, 供应商, 或者违反政策的游客.

利记sbo acknowledges that University policies may not anticipate every possible issue that may arise. The University therefore reserves the right to make reasonable and relevant decisions regarding the enforcement of this policy. 所有这些决定都必须得到大学官员的批准.e. 校长、教务副校长或财务副校长).


如有任何问题或进一步的信息,请与 人力资源厅

请注意,其他利记sbo的政策可能适用或与此政策相关. 如果需要查询相关策略,请使用在线策略手册中的“关键字查询”功能.
有效日期: 03/23/2012
发布日期: 03/28/2012
最后修订日期: 03/17/2023

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