


The process of developing, 回顾, 批准, and revising policies is overseen by 利记sbo's Policy Advisory Group (PAG). To ensure that the perspectives of the University's various constituencies are represented, the PAG's membership is broad and includes:

  • Vice President for Financial Affairs
  • Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Director of 人力资源
  • Computer Support Specialist
  • Assistant Vice President for Presidential Affairs & Secretary to the Board of Trustees

The PAG is responsible for all institutional policies, defined as policies that broadly affect members of the University community. Institutional policies must originate from and be championed by a vice president, who submits a Policy Proposal Form to the President's Cabinet. Once the proposal has been approved, the policy is assigned to a responsible office, typically the office that will have responsibility for implementing the policy.

The responsible office drafts the policy, which is then submitted to the PAG for review. An iterative process of 回顾 and revising ensues, with the responsible office periodically checking back with representative stakeholders.

Once the PAG is satisfied that the draft policy is complete, it goes to the University's governance groups - 教师 Senate, 学生参议院, and Professional 工作人员 Advisory Council - for review. The draft is revised as appropriate, and is then submitted to the President's Cabinet for final review. Once the document is finalized, the president of the University signs the policy, it is posted to the online policy manual, and a notice is sent to the University community with a link to the appropriate Web page.

The process for developing, 回顾, 批准, and revising policies is meant to be a participatory one, and the PAG invites comments, 建议, 和问题, which can be directed to:

特丽莎J. 希望能
Assistant Vice President for Presidential Affairs & Secretary to the Board of Trustees
(315) 792-3222

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