


Drug 和 Alcohol Ab使用 Prevention


利记sbo prohibits the unlawful 占有, 使用, 分布, or 调剂 of drugs 和 alcohol by 利记sbo 学生, 员工, 以及利记sbo校园内的签约个人和实体或作为利记sbo赞助活动的一部分. 利记sbo应建立和维持一个程序,以防止学生和员工违反这一政策.

员工在上班或下班时因饮酒或吸毒而影响其履行工作职责的能力时,不得报到工作或值班. 如果员工担心自己或家人可能有吸毒和/或酗酒问题,鼓励他们寻求帮助. 鼓励雇员利用社区合格专业人员的服务,评估可疑的毒品或酒精问题的严重性,并确定适当的帮助来源, 包括由大学提供的免费和保密的员工援助计划.


This policy is 支持ed by guidelines outlined in such documents as the University’s 学生手册员工手册.


This policy applies to all 利记sbo 学生 和 员工, as well as individuals 和 entities under contract with the University.


这项政策旨在确保遵守1989年联邦《利记sbo》, 修订的, 《利记sbo》(教育部一般行政条例)第86部分.

此外, substance 和 alcohol ab使用 can be very disruptive, adversely affect the quality of work 和 performance of 学生 和 员工, pose serious 健康 risks to 使用rs 和 others, 和 have a negative effect on productivity 和 morale. 利记sbo is committed to protecting the safety, 健康, 和幸福 of all 学生 和 员工 within the University community.


信念: A finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, 或两个, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of federal, 状态, 或者当地的刑事法规, including the New York State Vehicle 和 Traffic Law.

毒品刑事法规: A federal or non-federal criminal statute involving the manufacture, 分布, 调剂, 使用, or 占有 of any controlled substance.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP): 一个提供各种服务的项目,帮助员工解决可能对他们的工作表现产生不利影响的个人问题, 行为, 健康, 和幸福.

不合法的: 任何行为, after proper adjudication through the legal system, through 利记sbo’s judicial system, or through the University’s employee disciplinary system, 根据刑事毒品法规或其他联邦法律是否会导致定罪或认罪, 状态, or local laws relating to drugs 和 alcohol, 或者让学生或员工对违反利记sbo与联邦政府一致的毒品和酒精政策负责, 状态, 以及当地法律.


As m和ated by the Drug-Free Schools 和 Communities Act of 1989 和 34 C.F.R. 部分86, 利记sbo将维护, 定期审查, 和, 根据需要, update a program to prevent the unlawful 占有, 使用, or 分布 of drugs 和 alcohol by 学生 和 员工. 该计划将:
  • Establish operational st和ards of 行为 prohibiting the unlawful 占有, 使用, 或学生和雇员在利记sbo财产上或作为利记sbo活动的一部分分发毒品和酒精;
  • 制定对违反行为标准的学生和员工的纪律处分. These sanctions may include suspension, 驱逐, 终止, or referral for prosecution consistent with federal, 状态, 以及当地法律;
  • Identify legal sanctions under federal, 状态, or local law for the unlawful 占有 or 分布 of drugs 和 alcohol;
  • Identify the 健康 risks associated with the ab使用 of drugs 和/or alcohol;
  • Identify any drug or alcohol counseling, 治疗, or 康复 或者重返社会项目 that are available to 员工 or 学生;
  • 确保所有其他大学政策和手册与本政策的规定一致.
除了, 利记sbo will annually provide written notification to 学生 和 员工 regarding:
  • The laws that prohibit the unlawful 占有, 使用, 或学生和雇员在大学财产或大学活动中分发酒精和毒品;
  • 对违反学校行为标准的学生和员工的处罚;
  • 联邦法律规定的后果, 状态, 或当地法律禁止非法使用, 占有, or 分布 of alcohol or illegal drugs;
  • The 健康 risks associated with drugs 和/or alcohol ab使用; 和
  • Information available for drug or alcohol counseling, 治疗, 康复, 或者重返社会项目.
Written notification will also be provided to new 员工 和 学生 根据需要.

每两年一次, University will review the program set forth in this policy to determine the program’s effectiveness; implement any needed changes; determine the number of drug 和 alcohol-related incidents 和 fatalities that occur on the University’s campus or as part of any University-sponsored activities 和 that are reported to campus officials; determine the number 和 type of sanctions described above that are imposed as a result of drug 和 alcohol-related incidents on the University’s property or as part of any University-sponsored activities; 和 ensure that sanctions for violations are consistently enforced.

大学会就两年一次的检讨作出书面报告,并将上述资料及检讨的副本提供给公众及美国政府.S. Secretary of Education upon request.


人力资源总监有责任监督上述程序,以确保遵守所有法律规定. More specifically, that individual will:
  • Coordinate the University’s program to prevent the unlawful 占有, 使用, 或如上文“程序”一节所述,由学生和雇员分发毒品和酒精;
  • 评估大学可能从其药物滥用预防计划的各个方面获得的好处;
  • Assess the University community’s need for counseling, 治疗, 康复, 或重返社会计划;
  • 确保就如何发现和处理吸毒和酗酒问题提供适当的培训;
  • Coordinate the biennial review with the 校园安全 Committee, provide that committee with the necessary reports to do so, 和 maintain a file containing all biennial report reviews;
  • 每两年检讨一次政策,并向政策谘询小组提出更改政策的建议.

校园安全委员会有责任审查人力资源总监的两年一次的报告,并提供, 以书面形式, comments regarding the University’s compliance with this policy.


执行Utica大学的政策是每个政策的“资源/问题”部分列出的办公室或办公室的责任. 负责办公室将联系有关教职员工的适当当局, 学生, 供应商, 或者违反政策的游客.

利记sbo承认,大学的政策可能无法预料到可能出现的每一个问题. 因此,大学保留就本政策的执行作出合理和相关决定的权利. All such decisions must be approved by an officer of the University (i.e. president, vice president for academic affairs, or vice president for financial affairs).


For information regarding student compliance with this policy, contact the 利记sbo 学生事务处. For information regarding employee compliance with this policy, contact the 人力资源厅.

Additional information may be obtained from the 利记sbo 学生健康中心, University’s 人力资源厅, 利记sbo 学生手册, 员工手册和/或利记sbo的 无毒品工作场所政策.

Please note that other 利记sbo policies may apply or be related to this policy. To search for related policies, 使用 the Keyword Search function of the online policy manual.
有效日期: 未知的
最后修订日期: 06/11/2010
修订发布日期: 07/01/2010

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